Quick view Proven Winners® Coleus ColorBlaze® Royale Pineapple Brandy™ Solenostemon scutellarioides, also known as ColorBlaze® Royale Pineapple Brandy™ is a jazzy new sun and shade annual which features yellow to chartreuse luminescent foliage with accents of burgundy bronze, forming a...
Quick view Proven Winners® Coleus ColorBlaze® Sedona Sunset™ Solenostemon scutellarioides, also known as Coleus ColorBlaze® Sedona Sunset™, this annual features coppery-orange foliage on well-branched plants. Sun to shade tolerant and great in both landscapes and containers. Many people...
Quick view Proven Winners® Coleus ColorBlaze® Strawberry Drop Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Kakegawa CE5', also known as Coleus ColorBlaze® Strawberry Drop, this annual features colorful green leaves which have red venation with a bright red and yellow center. Trailing habit is great in beds, containers...
Quick view Proven Winners® Coleus Colorblaze® Torchlight™ Solenostemon scutellarioides, also known as Coleus Colorblaze® Torchlight™, this annual features fuchsia, maroon and green foliage on well-branched plants. Sun to shade tolerant and great in both landscapes and containers. Also...
Quick view Proven Winners® Coleus ColorBlaze® Wicked Witch™ Solenostemon scutellarioides, also known as Coleus ColorBlaze® Wicked Witch™, this annual features deep burgundy to chocolate foliage with a ruffled edge outlined in chartreuse with well-branched plants. Sun to shade tolerant...
Quick view Colocasia Black Beauty Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum 'Black Beauty', also known as Elephant Ear, this brilliant tropical has dark purple-black leaves with a bright green dot in center of the leaf. Great for use in mixed planters or in the landscape. Can also be...
Quick view Colocasia Maximus Gigante Colocasia 'Maximus Gigante', also known as Elephant Ear, this mighty, upright grower with purple leaves and chartreuse veins, often reach 3-5 feet long. Capable of growing 6-8 feet tall in a single season. Best to site away from strong winds...
Quick view Colocasia Royal Hawaiian® Black Coral Colocasia esculenta 'Black Coral', also known as Elephant Ear, this long-stalked perennial has glossy, heart shaped, jet-black leaves. This variety is perfect for planting in groups for beds and borders near streams and ponds or in large containers...
Quick view Cordyline Electric Flash (False Dracaena) Cordyline 'Sprilecflash', also known as False Dracaena, this upright to semi-upright habit plant has chocolate colored leaves with cream colored edges that grow erect to outwardly arching and slightly recurving. Clump forming in well...
Quick view Cordyline Electric Pink (False Dracaena) Cordyline banksii 'Sprilecpink', also known as False Dracaena, this lovely perennial features narrow dark maroon foliage with a bright pink edge. Upright growing habit and it's bright pink colored appearance makes it a great addition to any color...
Quick view Cordyline Red Star Cordyline australis 'Red Star', also known as False Dracaena Red Star has sword-shaped leaves that are red to burgundy. Very heat & drought tolerant. Can be used in combination planters or as a houseplant. Please note, planting outdoors will...
Quick view Cyrtomium Rochfordianum Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum', also known as Japanese Holly Fern is great for cut arrangements. Fronds are glossy dark green and have a holly like appearance. Brown spore patches beneath. Light morning sun to full shade. Great for using in...
Quick view Delosperma cooperi Delosperma cooperi, also known as Hardy Ice Plant, this beautiful perennial features hot rosy-purple flowers which bloom on a low growing mound of succulent leaves. This sun loving ground cover survives in hot droughty conditions. Perfect for the rock...
Quick view Delosperma Jewel of Desert Amethyst Delosperma cooperi, also known as Hardy Ice Plant Jewel of Desert Amethyst, this succulent type has fleshy green leaves which are covered with pink & white flowers from spring to fall. Perfect perennial for the rock garden or any other hot, dry...
Quick view Delosperma Jewel of Desert Grenade Delosperma Jewel of Desert Grenade, also known as Hardy Ice Plant, this succulent features fleshy green leaves which are covered with multi-colored flowers with white eye from spring to fall. Perfect perennial for the rock garden or any other hot, dry...
Quick view Delosperma Jewel of Desert Peridot Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of the Desert Peridot, also known as Hardy Ice Plant, this compact succulent boasts fleshy green leaves which are covered with yellow & white flowers from spring to fall. Perfect perennial for the rock garden or any other...
Quick view Delosperma Jewel of Desert Rosequartz Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Rosequartz', also known as Hardy Ice Plant, this succulent features fleshy green leaves which are covered with pink flowers from spring to fall. Perfect perennial for the rock garden or any other hot, dry location...
Quick view Delosperma Jewel of Desert Ruby Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of the Desert Ruby', also known as Hardy Ice Plant, this succulent has fleshy green leaves are covered with pink and white flowers from spring to fall. Perfect perennial for the rock garden or any other hot, dry location. Plant...